как сходу высосать из пальца диагноз поведенческой модели (с)
Очень симпатичная АУ-шка Спок/ромуланская коммандер. Вариант, когда они не стали ждать до пенсии, чтоб помириться, мне лично тоже нравится :sunny:

24.11.2013 в 20:02
Пишет  takishiro:

Очень гилти плежа
Миник-таки про Спока и ромуланскую коммандершу. Don't ask :) Хотел не выносить из комментариев, потом думаю, ладно, лежит здесь. Все, теперь Трек от меня отстанет и я займусь, наконец, делом. Мне стыдно, да.
Писалось ночью, если увидите аглицкие ошибки - сообщайте.

A ship of his own

Somewhere deep in his mind, there is a ship. He thinks it is the ship he used to picture to himself when he was a child. Not a real one, a futility, an abstraction, but because of this abstraction he had joined the Starfleet and had jeopardized his relationship with his father and the whole of the clan. As a naive child, he imagined himself the captain of the vessel; when in Starfleet, he quickly understood that he could not count on captainship. Nor a Vulcan neither a Human crew would want him on the bridge, though for different purposes. Well, there is no point in wishing what can not be, and he had never sought this position ever since. Then there were the Entrerprise and Jim. Jim showed him what the real leadership was. Spock had never stopped admiring him, and had never spared as much as a thought to a ship of his own. He was Jim's commander; it was a satisfying and gratifying position, and it was all he needed, and certainly more than he had expected.
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@темы: Леди и джентльмены, Позаим©твовано, Мистер Фик-с, Стар трек